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I do love Garlic, but I've discovered one unfortunate side effect. Whenever I eat garlic, my wife tells me that it comes out of my pores, which we all know is normal. Ever wonder what happens when you eat way more than you should?
I found out one night when I went to an Italian restaurant with my wife and had a garlic chicken dish. I thought this would be your basic chicken sauteed with a teaspoon of garlic, but no. This was a chicken breast slow cooked in a Marinara sauce with at least 25 whole cloves of garlic. I ate, and loved every single clove, even though I was quite red faced at the end of the meal. The next morning, my wife was in the shower, and naturally, everything had made its way through my system. I went to use the bathroom while she was in the shower. The stench was incredible. Repeated flushing and air freshener did not help. She was so angry that she didn't talk to me for the rest of the day. So, love your garlic, but be careful of your mate. Garlic Tariq You really have an amazing site. I spent the first half of this morning just reading all the stories and quotes. Good job! Garlic is the most amazing food stuff, isn't it? My wife and I love to make this roasted root vegetables mix with carrots and onions and potatoes. We always throw in about 25 cloves of garlic just to "kick it up a notch," as fellow garlic lover and famed New Orleans chef Emeril Lagasse would say. Yay Garlic! Larry R. Rodent One day when I was sick my mother gave me a fresh garlic to eat. I did not eat it at first but she wanted me to eat....ok now there are four months that I haven't get sick........ Freshet I began feeling an unusual pain. It was becoming kind of unbearable. And my wife began persuading me to go see a doctor. Something inspired to boil GARLIC and drink the watery did so I did and the pain slowly disappeared am now beginning to do an extensive research on garlic.So far my findings had led me to believe that garlic can cure a lot of illness. Glenn Thomas I love garlic on any thing. When my girlfriend was preg I ate garlic every day and she would get so mad at me because her smell was soo good then and she hates it. Mickey Kinzer I had started to wonder why I never got sick as often or as bad as other people did. In fact I do believe I made it thru last winter without a cold or flu. I just recently learned of the wonders of garlic. Now I think part of the reason of my good health may be because I like garlic and onions and include them in most meals I make. Now that I know of the benefits of garlic I will use more of it. I am now trying to eat the equivalent of two cloves a day every day plus whatever I add to cooking. I have one question? Is cooked garlic as good as raw? Lady Athena Oh yes! I've never trusted anyone who doesn't like garlic, never ever trusted anyone claiming to be a "real\ vampire...find a connection. I like garlic, smells good after smashing the clove with the flat of a knife, then hackin' it up into little pieces to garnish various things with...yummy yum yum StrappingYoungLady I know the positive power of garlic. I have witnessed first hand some incredible, miraculous cures from the little crusty plant. My family used to laugh at me for my strange affiliation to it, but after many years of witnessing it's healing properties, I now have all of them onside and they have no problem swallowing a garlic clove at the first instance of a cold coming on. I will continue to sing it's praises and use it as much as I can. It is lovely to find something so pure and untouched by our "chemical possessed" society. Ride On you little Crusty Plant!!! Frank C. I was never big on garlic until I started going to a great Mediterranean cafe. I would order Chicken Kabob and it would come with a little cup of garlic sauce on the side - this is chopped raw garlic with olive oil and lemon juice to make a paste. First taste would make your eyes water but the more I ate it the more I loved it! These days I order a bowl instead of a cup and eat the whole thing! I crave it and end up eating at this place 2-3 times a week. I eat so much I feel a little sick to my stomach after but I can't help it! Yes, I smell it - especially when working out but who cares? But then again... maybe that's why I'm still single... :) Tami How do I like to eat garlic? I cut garlic in 2-3 pieces & then fry it till it gets golden. I love to eat garlic that way. It helps removing stress. My body posture is normal now, but before 7 years, when I was 17 years old I was a bit fat. I heard that garlic decompose fat. So I eat raw garlic for 2-3 months. 1-2 cloves a day. & it really worked. I got slimmer How do I like to eat garlic? I cut garlic in 2-3 pieces & then fry it till it gets golden. I love to eat garlic that way. It helps removing stress. Before 7 years, when I was 17 years old I was a bit fat. I heard that garlic decompose fat. So I eat raw garlic for 2-3 months. 1-2 cloves a day. & it really worked. I got slimmer Archana The Swedish way of saying: Good Morning! You are just on your way of getting through the misty landscapes of dream passing on to get awaken. But you just won't get up the eyelids. Then someone kisses your mouth and you get awaken from the dead. The anti-vampire wife with her breath from hell has made her magic on you. There will never be any more sleep for you - you think as the garlic scent passes in to your newbooted brain. My wife knows how to get me going. This is how we do in our Swedish family. I won't tell you how we get to sleep. Use your imagination. But don't think about garlic this time. Patrik Hallberg My spouse thinks there is something wrong with me because it lingers with me for so long...WHATEVER! . .
Defective I have just logged on to your site about garlic, as I have just started to eat it raw with tinned tuna. I love it. I just wanted to know are some garlics better than others and if so which is best. By the way you can be a garlic eater and still benefit from believing in Jesus, its not exclusive to the goths. I do, its great. A reply would be appreciated. GOD BLESS Mike I love garlic or you can say garlic has always played a very important part in my life. My mother is a health nut. When I was born she put garlic in my formula. After the bottle I was made to drink garlic-nade (like lemonade only made with garlic). Now as an adult I take the capsules. Never a day without it. I have never been sick... no childhood disease... look very young for my age :) Olivia Salter Hi! I think your site is cool!!! I am ten yrs. old and love garlic. my favorite kind of garlic is pickled Italian. garlic rules!!!! (so does pork fat) anyway, i just wanted to tell you that. (: Me I eat about 9 cloves of raw garlic every night with my meal. I always stink of garlic.....but most people have learnt to ignore the smell....i always say - look you have flu but i never get sick... so there is nothing they can answer to!! The word "GARLIC" screams sexy, spicy, saucy, secretive and splendid smells. Magic! Sonja Robson There is a place in this world where garlic is eaten more than bread, where garlic lovers can have no fear, an entire country whose very air would suffocate the ultimate prince of darkness... This land is not a place shrouded in mystery and enigma, but readily accessible for those with the will and the cash to hop on a plane... It is... The Republic of Korea Korean cooking is known for three ingredients: scallions, red pepper, and copious loads of garlic. Garlic is the staple spice - it is Korean salt. If you have a Korean National as a friend, get into their car one day and you'll see what I mean. It's an instant vampire trap. Having been an exchange student in Wallachia (South of Transylvania, in Romania, the kingdom that Vlad Tsepesh (Dracula) ruled over) I know that Craiova (a city in Romania with a large Daewoo plant and Korean population) is one city that is simply off limits to vampires. I enjoy Korean cooking (especially the garlic) so much. My best friends are Koreans. They are the most wonderful people in the world. I'm moving there and going to university there for the next five years. I tell you this - they are full of garlic and form very trustworthy friendships when you truly do as they do. This means that you must be trustworthy, and that means, yes, eating a lot of garlic. An entire country has proven your theory... I just wanted to tell you that, yes, yes, the most trustworthy of people eat the most garlic... Will Massey I frequent Goth clubs and have found that a garlic necklace keeps the vampires away. Nothing is more unsettling than a date where everything is going along just swimmingly and then your date unexpectedly puts in his ceramic fangs for a midnight nibble. Garlic necklaces: helpful in the screening process, and not a fashion cliche like the mundane cross. Desdemona Do I like garlic? Oh, good Christ, yes, of course. Besides all of the obvious health benefits and the way it just seems to belong in Italian cooking, I just like the way it smells. I often smear it under my nose before going to work each day, similar to the way Clarice Starling smeared that menthol goop under hers during the autopsy scene in "Silence Of The Lambs." There is one unwanted side effect to this habit of mine, however: bloodshot, weepy eyes. Unfortunately, this gives the false impression to co-workers and would-be suitors that I am in a sort of constant state of grief. Others complain of the smell--dates especially--but hey, fuck them, right? Potatoes Browning I love garlic. I put garlic in absolutely everything. I love the garlic press. You get two of those suckers in both hands and it's quite a work out. Often, when I feel a cold coming on I will eat a couple of cloves of garlic. It seems to help...but not in the dating department. I think garlicy breath is kinda sexy. Hee Hee Marnie I love this site! My girlfriend (Mera Roberts, cellist and keyboardist for Faith and the Muse, Cassandra Complex, Black Tape for a Blue Girl, and Mercurine) and I LOVE garlic and have it on hand and in belly as much as possible. Garlic is my number one cure for what ails me when I ail (which truthfully isn't often, a fact I attribute to the plentitude of vitamins that I take and garlic that I eat). I have found that when I feel the onset of a sore throat or stuffy head, I eat an entire head of roasted garlic (covered in butter, of course) and almost never get full-fledged sick! Plus, it's an excuse to eat an entire head of roasted garlic by myself! Yum! Andrew Waggoner When I was a kid I used to freak out my parents that I can eat raw garlic. I also freaked out my PE class when my body started having this faint smell of garlic when ever I sweated. Guess I might have ate too much back then. My grandmother said that her tribe used garlic to cure rabies in people. I still chew on garlic every once in a while. Its great for when you are studying for a test or doing Paris J. Cox I do love Garlic, but I've discovered one unfortunate side effect. Whenever I eat garlic, my wife tells me that it comes out of my pores, which we all know is normal. Ever wonder what happens when you eat way more than you should? I found out one night when I went to an italian restaurant with my wife and had a garlic chicken dish. I thought this would be your basic chicken sauteed with a teaspoon of garlic, but no. This was a chicken breast slow cooked in a Marinara sauce with at least 25 whole cloves of garlic. I ate, and loved every single clove, even though I was quite red faced at the end of the meal. The next morning, my wife was in the shower, and naturally, everything had made its way through my system. I went to use the bathroom while she was in the shower. The stench was incredible. Repeated flushing and air freshner did not help. She was so angry that she didn't talk to me for the rest of the day. So, love your garlic, but be careful of your mate. Garlic Tariq