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WE ASKED : Do you like garlic? And in some cases, we also asked: Do you find that you connect more with other garlic lovers (and if not, do your friends tend to also dislike it?)

Garlic is a healing bulb. Those who don't like it should learn to like as much as DEVO does.

In 2001, the members of Devo released a new cd, "P'Twaaang," as The Wipeouters. The project came about when they were asked to do a surf-rock theme song for the "Rocket Power" cartoon. Realizing that Devo and surf-music DO mix, they decided to do a full cd. Mutato Music, owned by Devo member Mark Mothersbaugh, has supplied soundtrack music for a variety of things you've probably seen, "Rugrats," "Dawson's Creak," "Mystery Men," and the list goes on and on. Devo members Bob Mothersbaugh and Bob Casale are also part of the Mutato crew.

But even with all the soundtrack work, over the past few years they have found the time to do some touring as Devo.

We have an interesting interview done with Mark Mothersbaugh shortly after the release of "P'Twaaang" - you can read it here.

For more info on Devo, visit their website at:

Who DOESN'T eat garlic? Click here to find out!

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